
this is a rubric

this is a rubric with inline markup in it

this is a rubric that spans multiple lines

this is a rubric that spans multiple lines with inline markup in it

this is a rubric containing a python domain cross-reference to the sphinx.ext.autodoc module

this is a rubric containing a standard domain cross-reference to Standard Domain

Rubric Admonition

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition

Rubric Admonition

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition with inline markup in it

Rubric Admonition

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition and spans multiple lines

Rubric Admonition

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition and spans multiple lines with inline markup in it

Rubric Admonition

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition

admonition bottom text

Rubric Admonition

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition with inline markup in it

admonition bottom text

Rubric Admonition

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition and spans multiple lines

admonition bottom text

Rubric Admonition

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition and spans multiple lines with inline markup in it

admonition bottom text

Rubric Admonition

admonition top text

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition

Rubric Admonition

admonition top text

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition with inline markup in it

Rubric Admonition

admonition top text

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition and spans multiple lines

Rubric Admonition

admonition top text

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition and spans multiple lines with inline markup in it

Rubric Admonition

admonition top text

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition

admonition bottom text

Rubric Admonition

admonition top text

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition with inline markup in it

admonition bottom text

Rubric Admonition

admonition top text

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition and spans multiple lines

admonition bottom text

Rubric Admonition

admonition top text

this is a rubric that is nested in an admonition and spans multiple lines with inline markup in it

admonition bottom text